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Jumat, 13 Juni 2008

Strategi Bisnis Web: Membuatnya lebih Sosial

Berdasarkan pengalaman saat ini, sebuah Situs Web akan menjadi populer dan sukses bilamana situs itu digemari para pengunjungnya karena bermanfaat bagi mereka untuk bersosialisasi dengan anggota Situs, kawan-kawan, keluarga, ataupun anggota masuarakat lainnya, sehingga memperluas jaringan pengunjung untuk dapat bertukar pikiran, pendapat, pengalaman, permasalahan, solusi, foto, informasi ataupun apa saja yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.

Berikut ini adalah sebuah dialog tentang strategi membuat sebuah Situs Web menjadi sukses:

Google's Joe Kraus on How to Make the Web More Social
Published: June 11, 2008 in Knowledge@...

Can the Internet be made more social? This is a question with which Joe Kraus, director of product management at Google, constantly has to grapple. He believes every killer app on the web -- instant messaging, e-mail, blogging, photo-sharing -- has succeeded because it helps people connect with one another. For Kraus, this means the Internet has an inherently social character, but it can be enhanced further -- an area he continues to explore through Google initiatives such as Open Social and Friend Connect. Wharton legal studies Professor Kevin Werbach spoke with Kraus recently about the increasing socialization of the Internet. Kraus will speak about social computing at the Supernova conference in San Francisco on June 16.

Werbach: Hi, this is Kevin Werbach, professor at the Wharton school and organizer of the Supernova Conference. I'm speaking today with Joe Kraus, director of product management at Google and truth be told, a former high school mate of mine many years ago. So, good to talk to you Joe.

Kraus: Good talking to you. That was too long ago.

Werbach: It's kind of scary, isn't it?

Kraus: Yeah.

Werbach: So, you've done some interesting things with your career.
You're one of the founders of Excite, the early web portal, and then started a company called Jot that was doing wikis and collaboration software, which got bought by Google.
And then, to those of us on the outside, it seemed like you kind of disappeared into Google for a while and now you've come back out. So, tell us what you've been working on.

Kraus: For the last year I've been working Google's social initiatives, which are really kind of in a couple of main buckets.
But, probably the largest one is the notion of, "How do you make the whole web social?"

So, the killer apps that have really worked on the web have always been about connecting people to one another. So, whether it is instant messaging and e-mail as communications to connect people to one another, whether it's photo-sharing as a way to connect people to one another through photos, or blogging as a way to connect people to one another through the words, people have always been social and the killer apps that have really succeeded on the web have always been social.

And really, the primary set of initiatives at Google that I work on are, "How do you make the whole web a more social place?" A lot of that is divided into a couple of buckets. One is this thing called OpenSocial, which we can talk more about. And another is a product which we've recently launched called Friend Connect. But, that's just the general rubric of how do you make the web a more social place.

Kevin: But, it sounds like, as you've said, the web is already pretty social.
Why do you need something to layer on top of what's already there?

Kraus: Well, I think, the notion is that if you look at the way social activity happens today, a lot of it is concentrated in social networks -- MySpace,Facebook, and depending on what your geography is, there's usually a dominant social network in your geography. It is a global phenomenon, with hundreds and hundreds of millions of users in these social networks.

What's interesting about it is that it's kind of an odd concept at a bigger level, which is that I have to go to a particular site in order to be social with my friends. It reminds me a lot of the early days of user generated content.
Before people realized that was a scheme, they thought it was a set of sites. I went to Wikipedia to do user generated content. Or I went to a shopping review site or a product review site to do user generated content.

And then slowly but surely, people recognized that user generated content isn't a site, it is a concept that can be applied to almost every site. And so today, almost anywhere I go on the web, I have the ability to rate something, leave a comment, or write a review. From the New York Times to Amazon, I have an ability to now contribute to the conversation going on across the web.

I think, social is kind of a similar theme. Today, people think of social as social networks - a set of sites that I go to where I establish relationships with friends. And it's in the context of those sites that I do stuff with them.

Our view at Google is that's a transitory phase in the development of the whole social web, and that those friend relationships that you create on these sites should be usable and portable and allow you to get benefit no matter where you go on the web.

You can imagine a scenario where when I go to eBay and I am buying something ...
Today, eBay uses user generated content as a way to do reputations.
So, I can see, "What are the reviews of this seller?" But, it would also be nice to see, "Well, have any of my friends or friends of friends actually reviewed that particular seller?"

Today, I go to a lot of specialty sites. So, I'm in to trail hiking, and I go to sites like protrails.com. It would be nice if I could actually have social interactions with people on those sites without those sites having to become a social network.

So, the idea is, how do you take these relationships that you've built in these pilot sites and make them useful across the web. And I think, the transition that we're going through of social being something that you do in sites to something that you do across the web is very similar (or feels similar at least to me) to the way we looked at user generated content maybe six or seven years ago.

Werbach: That's probably a good segue way to talk about OpenSocial.
Can you explain what exactly that means and how it implements some of the things you're talking about?

Kraus: Sure. OpenSocial itself is really just a specification. It is a way of allowing developers to write applications which run inside of, typically, social networks.

Now, a little over a year ago, Facebook created a platform to allow third parties to write applications that ran inside Facebook. And the idea was very simple. The idea is that inside of social networks, you want people to be able to do things with their friends.

So, typical interaction was, you go around and you make friends with a bunch of people. And then you need to do things with them. Pretty quickly you can get bored. And pretty quickly, the company itself that runs the social network runs out of an ability to write things (because they don't have enough people) for their users to do.

And so the idea is, how do you allow third parties, who have new ideas for interactions between friends, to get those applications, those interactions, into a social network? OpenSocial really is a specification that allows for third party developers to write applications to a single set of APIs, and get it distributed in any social network that runs OpenSocial.

The world was shaping up (three, maybe nine months ago) to be a world that would be akin to not having Windows, Mac, and Linux where a developer has to decide, "What operating system do I write my application for? I have to choose among three."
It was shaping up to be a world where almost every social network was going to create their own proprietary platform, and the developer would have to choose among 17 or 18 or 20 different platforms to write for.

It was going to be a very difficult situation for developers, because they couldn't get the application in as many places as they wanted.
And all the social networks had a problem, which is they couldn't get as many interactions or applications for their users to use, and they would have to fight for developer attention.

OpenSocial is an open community standard that allows for, instead of being 20 fragmented platforms, a single platform that developers can write to and get their application distributed. So, MySpace runs OpenSocial. Hi5 runs OpenSocial. Linkedin will be running OpenSocial several months from now. Friendster. In Europe, folks like Hive.

Social networks around the world, now totaling about 275 million users are running OpenSocial, which really means that developers can write their application once and with very little modification have it running in all these places. So, that's OpenSocial. It's a way for third party developers to get their applications running in social networks.

Now, a product we launched in (kind of a preview release) about two and a half to three weeks ago is something called Friend Connect. So, Friend Connect is really the other side of that. It's more about, "How do you make the whole web social?" Whereas OpenSocial is about, "How do you get distribution for developers on social networks?"

So, what Friend Connect does is it allows, like AdSense, where you copy and paste a little bit of JavaScript in order to get advertising on your site, Friend Connect allows a website owner, a webmaster, to copy and paste a little bit of JavaScript and suddenly have their site be able to run OpenSocial applications and allows users of those sites to be able to bring their friends to that site.

Let me give you an example. You go to IngridMichelson.com. She's an independent musician. Probably most people don't know her music from the radio, but if you watch Grey's Anatomy or you've seen Old Navy commercials you've heard her music. And on IngridMichelson.com, using Friend Connect, Ingrid's webmaster can run the iLife music sharing application.

What that allows for is now, as a user, I can go to IngridMichelson.com and instead of their just being static content, because the webmaster has put the iLife application there, I can listen to her music. I can rate and review her music. I can share my commentary with my friends. I can say whether I want to go to her concerts. And all of that information, if I so choose, gets shared with my friends from social networks that I happen to belong to.

So, the user experience... I go to IngridMichelson.com. I can log in.
And then, I can link in my social networks. I can link in my Orchid social network. I can link in my Hi5 social network. And so, suddenly, my friends from those social networks are now with me on IngridMichelson.com and sharing the experience that I have in terms of seeing what music I like of her's, what concerts I want to go to.

So, it's taking those friend relationships that I built in these silos, and making it useful across the web. That's really what Friend Connect is about.

Werbach: But now, Facebook isn't part of this? Either of these?

Kraus: That is correct.

Werbach: The cynical view is basically this is Google attempting to route around/open up the thing that Facebook users [inaudible] this business model.

Kraus: Yeah. I mean obviously, I don't see it that way. I see it as, users have established these relationships on these social networks and they want to use them in more places. People have spent time categorizing and classifying their relationships with other people -be it coworkers, friends, or family. What Friend Connect is really about is allowing those relationships to be more useful in more places.

Google doesn't store any social graph data on it's servers. We merely allow third parties like IngridMichelson.com or portals or bloggers to basically allow their users to use that data to make their sites better.

Werbach: How do you think this plays out? What is determinative in terms of which social platform is the one that ultimately wins out?

Kraus: I really think that openness, over the long term, wins the day. Any platform for running applications that is open and community driven and has flexible and open licenses and a flexible and open development process is going to win. And I think any system that allows a user to use their friend relationships and merge those friend relationships across multiple social networks ultimately wins.

I mean, I think, in the end what this is really about is, users have created value. They've put data into these places. They want to be able to successfully use that data in more places across the web. I really think, in the end, this is a question about users having control over how they use the information around who their friends are, and making it available in more places with user control.

So I think, it plays out as -- the web will ultimately become more social. Users will be able to, on any site, use friend relationships they've established from anywhere. That's where I think, it goes. It may be a bumpy road to get there, but I do think that's ultimately where it has to go.

Werbach: Yeah, there's a lot of subtlety though in this question of what kind of control users what and need, and who can provide it to them. So, I'm curious about your experiences or thoughts in terms of how this evolves. How much granularity and control needs to be pushed out directly to users to set up all these preferences in some sort of independent way verses what gets provided (at least as a default) by some intermediary.

Kraus: Yeah, that's always the tricky balance. And I have a feeling it will be gotten right most of the time, and wrong some of the time, and then it'll iterate and be fixed. I mean, this is one these classic kinds of user conversations that back in '94 we were talking about. We had all these stories about worrying about credit card transactions on the web. And now with the cycle we went through, about a year and half of people being really fearful, and then a common set of practices came about.

Or if you look at the way e-mail usage was. We all use to get jokes forwarded from people as they first came on e-mail. And then kind of a social pattern took hold. I think, it's a combination of creating a set of patterns about what expectations users have in terms of how much control they want.

My view is that users should have complete control over what they do.
Complete control over what information gets shared with whom, and you really do the best you can to put the user in the driver seat.
Obviously, there are questions about how to make that an user-interface that everyone can understand. But, I think, if you start with the rubric of "the user should have complete control over who sees what information about them and who sees what information about their friend relationships," then I think, you're starting in the right place.

Werbach: Are there things that are not social, or that people don't want to be social? Or do you think that this is going to be something that pervades every kind of experience that we have on the web?

Kraus: I think, it will be available in every experience that you have on the web. It may not be something that you use.

I think, the truth is there's this blend. Social networks are usually about people you know and connecting with people you know. Community sites have usually been about connecting with people you might not know, but share an interest with. And I think, what you're seeing is a spectrum. You're going to see this merging.

I mean, if you look at IngridMichelson.com, a lot of the social activity that's going there is not between people that know one and another and happen to share an interest in Ingrid Michelson. It's more on the community end of the spectrum, which is people who share an interest in IngridMichelson.com who are connecting though her website and creating some kind of relationship with one and another.
Fandom, if you will, is kind of the notion of that relationship as opposed to friendship.

But, you also have elements of kind of the typical social experience where of my 300 friends on Hi5, let's say, a few of them, after seeing that I've been at IngridMichelson, might check it out and also become fans, who also happen to be friends.

So I think the web has kind of a spectrum of experiences. From the individual (just me and the website interacting) though community, which is that strangers end up connecting through mutual fandom of something - be it trail running or Ingrid Michelson - all the way though to what today is the social sense of I have my friends with me as I go around on the web.

So, I think, the truth is that community and social experience will be available nearly everywhere. You don't have to take advantage of it, just like with user generated content. I use The New York Times, or I use Amazon. I benefit from a lot of that user generated content, even if I don't myself create it.

Werbach: One of the things I find a lot of people on the outside don't understand about Google is the notion of "don't be evil" and they way that Google thinks about business in a different way than most companies. This whole thing we've been talking about - the social computing - is one of those areas where I feel like there's a lot of confusion and some degree of mistrust.

People say, "Google's getting into this because they want to just do more targeted advertising, invade people's privacy, and make more money." I don't think that's the core of it, but can you talk from your perspective about how it serves Google's interests as a company to be building out the kind of social platforms that you're talking about?

Kraus: Yeah, I understand the notion that a company of Google's size often gets perceived as having a grand master plan of the way the world is going to work over the next ten years. I can understand how people might project something diabolical.

The truth is far more simple than that. The trust is that Google's fate is directly tied to how good the web is. As the web goes, so goes Google. If you look at something like Google Gears, which tried to solve the problem of one deficiency of the web, which is it didn't work offline. And the reason that Google did Google Gears is not because it was some grand plan to make more money as a result of Google Gears, but as a result of the fact that by making the web better and by making it a place where people spend more time, where people store more information, that ultimately that benefits Google indirectly.

The more time people spend online, the more likely they are to do more searching, and the more money that Google makes. So, it is very indirect, but it is also betting on the web as a platform of the next decade.

OpenSocial is like that as well. OpenSocial doesn't have any monetization component. If you're an OpenSocial container like MySpace, you don't have to use AdSense. You can use whatever advertising system you want. You don't have to have advertising. So, this is really about making the web better - making it a great platform for developers and users - and ultimately, because Google is a big part of people's web experience, the belief that to better the web means the more time, the more (even if you just boil it down) the more searches people do ... That's ultimately what the benefit is.

We just held Google I/O, which was our annual developer conference.
And the whole theme, in all the things we're doing, we're really about, "How do we make the web a better place for users and developers?" So, for developers - be it App Engine as a way to allow developers to have an easy development and deployment environment for applications, so you don't have to build so much from scratch.
Or Gears, in terms of making an application both work offline and having a local data store, so you can do more for end users. Or OpenSocial or all the APIs that's Google's providing. It's really about, "How do you make the web a better experience?" And ultimately, we think Google benefits from that.

Werbach: So, just by way of wrapping up ... We could talk more about any of these things for a while, and Joe's going to be speaking at Supernova 2008 Conference coming up June 16-18 in San Francisco. But, let me just ask you one more question for this interview, which is...

You and I have actually both been involved in the web industry from fairly early on, which is now going on close to 15 years - hard to believe. How much do you think that things have really fundamentally changed in terms of the value propositions of the web, and the opportunity? And how much is it primarily that things have scaled up, and the user base now is so huge and so representative of society of a whole, that things that were right on before just couldn't get the traction?

Kraus: I'm not exactly sure how to field that question, but I'll try.

You know, there's a saying in entrepreneurship that being early is the same as being wrong. If you're an entrepreneur and you create a company and you're idea's too early... It doesn't feel like there's anybody who wants to buy your product or use your product. It's hard to raise money. And you can't really distinguish it between whether your idea was bad or whether your idea was just too early.

I think, there are a lot of examples of ideas that come back around.
I know about four years ago, I heard of a couple of groups of VCs that were scanning back issues of Wired magazine to look for ideas in the 1998, 1999, 2000 timeframe that were out there, that were conceived as hot ideas, but ultimately went belly-up as companies because maybe they were too early. So, I thought that was interesting, in terms of scanning back issues to find interesting ideas that were good, but just were too early.

I think that a lot has actually changed in terms of the fundamental assumptions.
I believe that if you just look early on... I mentioned the credit card example.
Today, people don't hesitate when they see the little lock icon to feel comfortable putting credit card data into a website. Needing rating and reputation, which is something very unfamiliar in the mid-90s, has become critical to the way people use the web.

Search - I remember in 1994, we would show people a search box to say, "What do you think of this interface?" And people wouldn't know what to search for. You'd say, "Search for anything." Eventually, they'd search for their name and see what they saw. Today, we reflexively search for anything. The notion that the web is a place not just for reading but for contributing though the concepts of user generated content ...
I really think that a lot of our assumptions about how we use the web go through these cycles every three, four or five years of some new idea - be it user generated content, or putting credit cards on the web, or storing data in the web, or using web-based applications like Google Docs. And they become mainstream over the course of three to four to five years. So, I do think you have these waves that go though, and I think that says a lot about how the web continues to evolve.

Werbach: OK. As I've said, we could go on talking about this for a while. Joe, thank you very much for taking the time. And it'll be exciting for all of us to see how the social web evolves in the years to come.

Kraus: Thanks Kevin.

Sabtu, 26 April 2008

Senandung Ayat-ayat Cinta di Hari HaKI se Dunia ke-8, Sabtu 26 April 2008

Ditengah kesibukan kita se-hari-hari dan ramainya Milis tentang akan hadirnya Bill Gates serta Proyek NAMRU-II, kita semua jadi terlena untuk memperingati hari penting dunia, yaitu Hari HaKI Dunia ke-8 yang jatuh pada hari Sabtu kemarin, 26 April 2008.

Untuk itu kami lampirkan repotasi wartawan bisnis.co.id, sdr. Suwantin Oemar dengan judul diatas sebagai bahan diskusi.

  1. Indonesia selaku anggota World Intelectual Property Organization(WIPO) yang telah memilkik UU HaKI sudah tentu perlu bersikap cerdas dan cerdik dalam memanfaatkan keanggotaan di WIPO ini bagi semaksimalnya kepentingan nasional bangsa dan negara Indonesia.
  2. Jangan sampai keanggotaan Indonesia di WIPO ini malah menyebabkan kerugian besar dalam bidang perekonomian dan perdagangan Internasional, serta memberikan kesengsaraan bagi masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya. Misalnya, banyaknya Kepemilikan Intelektual Bangsa Indonesia berupa hasil karya seni dan budaya asli Indonesia malah terlepas dari tangan kita, menjadi milik bangsa dan negara asing. Sepertli lagu-lagu karya asli bangsa Indonesia, pola desain batik, ukiran, tenunan, kerajinan tangan, dll, tanpa kita sadari, terlepas dari tangan bangsa Indonesia.
  3. Mengapa UKMK dan Individu Indonesia belum atau tidak sadar, atau tidak mampu mendaftarkan Kekayaan Intelektual mereka berupa Paten nama/brand/merek dan Copyrights selama ini? Sebabnya antara lain adalah karena kurangnya sosialisasi Pemerintah/ Lembaga yang ditugasi tentang permasalahan ini, berbelitnya administrasi yang harus ditempuh, lamanya proses dan mahalnya biaya (atau banyaknya perantara) untuk mendapatkan HaKI mereka.
  4. Di Era Internet dan majunya jaringan Broadband/3G Indonesia, seharusnya banyak “short-cuts” yang bisa ditempuh untuk meningkatkan effisiensi dan kecepatan proses dalam mendapatkan HaKI bagi rakyat kecil atau individu bangsa Indonesia. Kami bersedia untuk memberikan bantuan advis bagi kemajuan bangsa dan negara.
  5. Yang terjadi selama ini adalah kebalikannya, Pemerintah sibuk dengan berbagai upaya untuk melindungi Kekayaan Intelektual milik bangsa Asing, menakut-nakuti para UKM, merampas hak milik mereka dengan dalih Sweeping Software Illegal, tanpa ada upaya khusus untuk melepaskan mereka dari jeratan Hukum UU HaKI, sebelum dilakukan sweeping.
  6. Upaya butir 5 tersebut diatas adalah perjuangan kami bersama kawan-kawan yang memiliki pandangan yang sama, untuk membebaskan rakyat kecil, UKMK, masyarakat umum dan individu bangsa Indonesia dari jeratan UU HaKI Indonesia yang kita buat sendiri, sehingga tidak membuat sengsara mereka, putus asa, menyerah sebagai pengusaha UKMK (contoh, sudah banyak pengusaha warnet yang berpindah bisnis).
  7. Dari hasil diskusi di Milis-milis, kami dapat berikan kesimpulan penting untuk dapat menyusun strategi keberhasilan perjuangan pada butir 6 diatas, yaitu:
  • Masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya sudah terbiasa (istilah lainnya, kecanduan) memakai Software-software Proprietary. Ini diakui oleh individu para mantan Pejabat, seperti pengakuan pak Djiwatampu, bahwa sangat sulit melepaskan kebiasaan mereka untuk berubah memakai Software Legal Open Source. Dampaknya, mereka selalu “menyerang” usul innovatif dan kreatif untuk melepaskan Bangsa Indonesia dari ketergantungan atau kecanduan penggunaan Software Proprietary, dengan berbagai argumentasi dan alasan agar usul tersebut gagal atau ditolak mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia.
  • Karena ketidak-tegasan dan ketidak-jelasan kebijakan Pemerintah dalam menyikapi penerapan UU HaKI Indonesia, maka dilapangan terjadi Pesaingan Bisnis yang tidak sehat, sebab banyak Perusahaan/UKM berbisnis secara tidak fair (tidak sehat), yang memakai Software Full Proprietary berlisensi (CAPEX tinggi) dibiarkan bersaing secara tidak sehat dengan Perusahaan/UKM yang menggunakan Software Illegal (CAPEX rendah) yang berjalan melalui berbagai upaya untuk dapat lepas dari jeratan hukum.
  • Ketidak-jelasan Pemerintah dalam menyikapi pilihan Penggunaan SW Legal Proprietary atau SW Legal Open Source, sebab seperti butir 7-A diatas, banyak Instansi yang sudah terbiasa ( istilah lainnya, kecanduan) memakai SW Proprietary (36% legal, 64% bajakan, hasil Survey di 11 kota oleh DEPKOMINFO 2007). Sebetulnya secara Logis, rasional dan gampang, pilihan bagi Instansi Pemerintah seharusnya adalah penggunaan SW Legal Open Source, selain murah atau gratis, juga tidak kalah canggih dengan SW Proprietary yang saat ini dipakai untuk tugas2 harian perkantoran (Open Office atau Multimedia Office untuk menggantikan MS Office). Tentu ada sedikit pengecualiannya, beberapa SW Proprietary khusus, seperti AutoCAD, misalnya.

Kalau Pemerintah Jerman dan beberapa negara Amerika Latin dapat membuat keputusan Pemerintah yang tegas untuk menggunakan SW Open Source bagi Instansi Pemerintah tanpa ada protes para Vendor Proprietary, mengapa Pemerintah Indonesia tidak bisa? Jawabannya sederhana, karena keengganan untuk merubah kebiasaan (kecanduan) menggunakan SW2 Proprietary (legal +illegal).

Jadi bagaimanakah solusi bagi bangsa Indonesia. Solusi jalan tengah yang kami usulkan sudah kami jelaskan secara panjang-lebar di Milis2, dimana essensinya, dilakukan Regulasi (Himbauan?) agar ada Segmentasi Fokus Bisnis Software di Indonesia. Para Vendor SW Proprietary agar memfokuskan pemasaran produk2nya (juga iming2 produknya) ke Perusahaan yang kaya, Individu yang kaya saja, agar dapat dipastikan mereka tidak akan melakukan pembajakan software atau penggunaan SW Proprietary Illegal.

Sedangkan SW Open Source mendapat jatah pasar Instansi Pemerintah umumnya dan UKMK, masyarakat umum Indonesia dan individu, karena keterbatasan anggaran atau dana mereka, sehingga kemapuan mereka hanyalah membeli SW Legal Open Source yang murah atau gratis, dan terhindar dari perbuatan Illegal membajak SW Proprietary. Tentu saja Perusahaan Besar, Individu kaya tidak dilarang untuk membeli murah SW Open Source atau meng-copynya secara gratis, sebab ini tidak melanggar hukum dan malah meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif mereka (menghemat biaya CAPEX).

Silahkan diberikan tanggapan dan saran-saran yang positif demi kemajuan dan kemandirian bangsa dan negara Indonesia yang kita cintai.

S Roestam
Masyarakat Informasi

Senandung Ayat-Ayat Cinta pada Hari HaKI sedunia
oleh : Suwantin Oemar


Hari ini, seluruh negara anggota World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO), termasuk Indonesia, memperingati hari hak atas
kekayaan intelektual (HaKI) sedunia.

Peringatan kedelapan hari HaKI sedunia pada tahun ini memilih tema
Celebrating Innovation and Promoting Respect for Intellectual Property.
Indo-nesia merayakannya dengan menggelar berbagai kegiatan, antara lain
acara gerak jalan yang dijadwalkan dibuka oleh Wakil Presiden Jusuf

Peringatan itu berlangsung di tengah masih maraknya pelanggaran terhadap
HaKI di dalam negeri, terutama pembajakan software, lagu dan film.

Pembajakan hak cipta tidak saja terjadi terhadap karya milik asing, tapi
juga karya cipta putra-putri Indonesia. Film laris Ayat-Ayat Cinta pun
dibajak habis-habisan.

Peredaran VCD/DVD Ayat-Ayat Cinta bajakan sangat luas, baik di pusat
perbelanjaan maupun di atas kereta api Jabodetabek dan jembatan
penyeberangan. Produk film laris itu hanya dijual berkisar
Rp7.000-Rp10.000 per keping.

Maraknya pelanggaran terhadap hak cipta, merek dagang, dan desain
industri mencerminkan kurangnya penghargaan dan penghormatan terhadap
karya cipta milik orang lain.

Para pembajak karya cipta hanya mementingkan keuntungan bagi dirinya
sendiri. Tidak pernah terpikir bahwa perbuatan itu tidak saja merampas
hak-hak orang lain, tetapi juga turut andil mematikan kreativitas anak
bangsa dan industri rekaman.

Perbuatan para pembajak itu juga merugikan negara karena hilangnya
potensi pemasukan dari pajak.

Pertanyaannya sekarang adalah, apa makna peringatan hari HaKI sedunia
bagi Indonesia? Apakah hanya sekadar seremonial?

Peringatan hari HaKI sedunia bagi Indonesia hendaknya bisa menjadi
cermin dan evaluasi bagi pemerintah. Event itu hendaknya juga dijadikan
momentum untuk menoleh ke belakang, menyangkut perlindungan hukum
terhadap HaKI.

Apabila kita bertanya kepada diri sendiri, sejauh mana Indonesia
berhasil memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap HaKI dan rasa nyaman
kepada investor?

Jawabannya mungkin beragam, bergantung pada kita melihat dari sisi mana.
Akan tetapi fakta di lapangan menunjukkan tingkat pelanggaran HaKI masih

Lihat saja hasil kajian yang dilakukan oleh International Intellectual
Property Allliance (IIPA). Pada tahun lalu, Indonesia masih bercokol di
tempat teratas tingkat pembajakan software.

IIPA adalah gabungan dari enam asosiasi yang mewakili industri Amerika
Serikat (AS) berkaitan dengan hak cipta.

Anggota IIPA mewakili 1.900 perusahaan yang memproduksi dan memasarkan
produk yang dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang Hak Cipta.

Tingkat peredaran sofware bajakan di dalam negeri, menurut data IIPA,
mencapai 85%, sedangkan tingkat pembajakan produk musik dan rekaman
mencapai 92%.

Kita bisa saja membantah data yang disodorkan oleh IIPA tersebut. Akan
tetapi, hasil kajian lembaga itu selalu menjadi acuan bagi United States
Trade Representative (USTR) dalam memasukkan negara-negara yang perlu
diawasi, berkaitan dengan pelanggaran hak cipta

Peringatan hari HaKI sedunia kali ini, hendaknya menjadi momentum untuk
meningkatkan kesadaran, pemahaman dan mendorong lahirnya inovasi-inovasi
baru di tengah masyarakat.

Karya-karya dan inovasi baru masyarakat hanya muncul apabila para
penciptanya merasa aman dan nyaman, dari tindakan pembajakan.

Menurut kalangan konsultan HaKI, pemahaman masyarakat Indonesi terhadap
hak intelektual masih kurang.

Para pengusaha, khususnya sektor usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM), juga
kurang memahami manfaat pendaftaran merek dagang, desain industri, hak
cipta, dan paten.

Beban bagi UKM

Bagi UKM, mendaftarkan HaKI manjadi beban tersendiri karena mereka harus
mengeluarkan sejumlah uang. Ketidakpahaman mengenai manfaat HaKI itu
disebabkan oleh kurangnya sosialisasi.

Apabila saja kelompok usaha UKM paham akan manfaat pendaftaran terhadap
HaKI, mereka pasti berbondong-bondong untuk mendaftarkan. Mereka baru
sadar dan berteriak-teriak setelah merek dagang, desain industri, hak
cipta atau paten mereka dibajak oleh orang.

Lalu siapa yang bertanggung jawab untuk sosialisasi? Tentu saja semua
instansi yang terkait dengan HaKI.

Instansi pemerintah hendaknya lebih proaktif melakukan sosialisasi ke
sentra-sentra produksi UKM dan tidak sekadar mengadakan seminar dan
lokakarya di hotel-hotel berbintang.

Potensi HaKI Indonesia itu sebenarnya ada di sentra-sentra produksi UKM
yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Masalah penting lainnya yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah sejauh mana
penegakan hukum HaKI di dalam negeri. (suwantin.oemar@bisnis.co.id)

Sabtu, 12 April 2008

Bill Gates - Contoh kesuksesan Bisnis Software Global

Bill Gates adalah segelintir manusia yang sangat sukses dalam bisnis software, yang dimulai dari bisnis kecil-kecilan disebuah garasi rumahnya sektar 30-tahun yang lalu. Keberhasilan Bill Gates perlu ditiru oleh para pemuda Indonesia yang ingin maju dalam membangun bisnis global, berkat keuletan dan kecerdikannya mengembangkan software, memasarkannya dan melakukan negosiasi untuk menguasai pasart atau mengambil-alih bisnis-bisnis pesaingnya.

Saat ini Microsoft sedang dalam negosiasi yang kritis untuk membeli Perusahaan Pencari Data Yahoo!. Kita doakan semoga penerus Bill Gates berhasil baik dalam menguasai dunia Search Engine.

Dengan usia 52 tahun dan menjadi salah satu orang yang terkaya di dunia, Bill Gates melepaskan semua jabatan di perusahaan miliknya, dan akan berkonsentrasi sebagai Filantropis, membantu rakyat dan bangsa-bangsa yang masih terbelakang dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, layanan kesehatan, pendidikan dan lain-lain lagi.

Oleh karena itu kehadiran Bill Gates di Indonesia untuk menghadiri "Government Ledership Forum" tanggal 9 Mei 2009 di Jakarta menjadi sangat penting bagi bangsa Indonesia dan Negara-negara tetangga Indonesai, sebab Forum ini akan dihadiri oleh para Pejabat Penting Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara.

Rencananya Microsoft, saat kehadiran Bill Gates di jakarta akan memberikan bantuan kepada 4 Sektor Publik Indonesia, sebagaimana dirinci di Lampiran Blog ini.

Bantuan ini tentu akan sangan berguna bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia, bilaman bantuan ini diberikan secara ikhlas oleh Bill Gates. Akan sulit bagi kita untuk menampiknya, sebab Indonesia saat ini dalam kondisi perekonomian yang memprihatinkan, harga-harga melambung tinggi diluar jangkauan kebanyakan rakyat kecil Indonesia.

Untuk membantu bangsa dan negara Indonesia dalam menyikapi rencana bantuan Microsoft/Bill Gates tersebut diatas, kami sediakan sebuah Polling Pendapat Masyarakat Indonesia terlampir diatas. Silahkan Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu dan kawan-kawan sekalian memberikan Hak Voting-nya. Kami jamin kerahasiaan pribadi masing-masing Voters.

Atas perhatian dan partisipasinya kami ucapkan terimakasih.
Semoga bermanfaat bagi kemajuan bangsa dan negara.

---- Cuplikan Berita Kehadiran Bill Gates tanggal 9 Mei 2009 -----

Tony Chen, Presiden Direktur Microsoft (kedua dari kiri) menjelaskan
mengenai dukungan Microsoft terhadap infrastruktur IT pemerintah di
bidang pelayanan publik

Hal inilah yang menjadi salah satu dasar bagi Microsoft untuk
menyelenggarakan Public Sector Day pada tanggal 12 Maret 2008 kemarin.
Public Sector Day merupakan gelar teknologi yang dilaksanakan oleh
Microsoft Indonesia sebagai bentuk kepedulian terhadap infrastruktur
layanan publik di Indonesia.

Acara yang berlangsung di ballroom Hotel Borobudur Jakarta ini diisi
oleh seminar dan presentasi mengenai solusi infrastruktur TI layanan
publik dengan menggunakan teknologi Microsoft. Microsoft sendiri
menyediakan sejumlah solusi pada beberapa sektor layanan publik

1. Sektor Kesehatan
Microsoft bersama para pengembang vendor lokal membangun sebuah sistem
layanan kesehatan bernama QPro. Sistem ini telah diimplementasikan pada
beberapa rumah sakit di Indonesia. Selain itu, Microsoft bersama PMI
juga membangun sistem inventori donor darah terpadu.

2. Sektor Pemerintahan
Microsoft menyediakan solusi yang terjangkau dan inovatif untuk
membantu aparat pemerintah. Salah satu implementasi dari solusi
Microsoft ini adalah sistem manajemen pajak dan penerimaan negara di
Direktorat Jendral Pajak.

3. Sektor Pertahanan
Microsoft menyediakan sejumlah teknologi yang dibangun untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan sistem keamanan aparat pemerintahan, seperti: Microsoft
Connected Government Framework (CGF), Rights Management Services,
Encrypting File System (EFS), serta BitLocker Drive Encryption.

4. Sektor Pendidikan
Microsoft menyediakan solusi pendidikan dengan tiga kriteria: Berpusat
pada sisa, biaya yang terjangka, serta sistem yang dapat diperluas.

“Sebagai good corporate citizen, kami memiliki komitmen untuk menjadi
mitra pemerintah dalam menciptakan transformasi pelayanan publik. Salah
satu bentuknya adalah dengan memberdayakan peran teknologi seluas-
luasnya di lembaga Pemerintahan, Kesehatan, Pertahanan dan Keselamatan
Masyarakat, serta Pendidikan,” ujar Tony Chen, Presiden Direktur PT
Microsoft Indonesia.

Acara Public Sector Day diikuti oleh individu-individu dan sejumlah
pejabat dari pemerintah. Acara yang pertama kali diadakan oleh
Microsoft Indonesia ini merupakan acara pemanasan menyambut Government
Leader Forum 2008 pada bulan Mei nanti yang akan dihadiri langsung oleh
Bill Gates.

Source: Press Release Microsoft
Editor: Patrick Gerard van Diest

Kamis, 27 Maret 2008

Cara Cerdik menggali Duit dari Internet: E-mail Berantai yang Berbayar

Dunia Saiber adalah Dunia yang penuh dengan Harapan dan Akal untuk menimba Uang, antara lain memanfaatkan E-Mail Berbayar yang djnanjikan oleh 2 perusahaan (AOl dan ZDNET), bila kita dapat membuat E-Mail Berantai menyebar ke Seluruh Dunia, dengan berbagai akal atau tipu muslihat, maka dijanjikan oleh perusahaan itu US$0.32 untuk tiap kiriman e-Mail, yang menyebarkannya pada awal akan memperolah Duit sesuai DERET UKUR.

Kami kutip tawaran tetsebut, sbb:
From: Elsie Leyder
To: anom_gedhe@yahoo. com, edithcoloso@ hotmail.com, enilda_abidin@ hotmail.com, fbarus@wlrk. com, gingerindo@yahoo. com, Kristanto88@ yahoo.com, lastry thayeb , madeayu25@yahoo. com, n_aminuddin@ hotmail.com, Sandra R Roy , sawitri_gismar@ yahoo.com, Tommy RINEKSO , ymnababan2003@ yahoo.com, yroebadi@hotmail. com
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 09:38:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fwd: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD

ELLEN LALAMENTIKSUY wrote: Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 19:43:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Fwd: FW: [SPAM]FW: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD
To: conello@centrin. net.id, zspoel@yahoo. com, marladot@yahoo. com,
maureenlaloan@ hotmail.com, eleonorasupit@ yahoo.com
CC: elsie87leyd@ yahoo.com, dlk200@juno. com, srompas@aol. com, ethmycam@aol. com,
herasoepandji@ yahoo.com. sg

achment to it.

To: "'Devi Suyono'"
Subject: FW: [SPAM]FW: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 03:44:11 -0500


If you delete this ... you seriously don't have a heart.
Hi, I am a 29 year old father. Me and my wife have had a
wonderful life together. God blessed us with a child too.
Our daughter's name is Rachel, and she is 10 years old.
Not long ago the
doctors detected brain cancer and in her little body.
There is only one way to save her...an operation.
Sadly, we don't have enough money to pay the price. AOL and ZDNET have agreed to help us. The only way they can help us is this way, I send this email to you and you send it to other people. AOL will track this email and count how many people get it.
Every person who opens this email and sends it to at least 3 people will give us 32 cents.
Please help us. Sincerely

(Even though you will be contributing 32 cents by sending this e-mail to others, please send your prayers. Because our God is able to deliver...he can make a way out of no way. If you have love for this child of God, please remember her in your prayers and send this e-mail to others.) size=2>

Untuk membuat penerima e-Mail merasa belas-kasihan, maka link ini mengambarkan Foto seorang anak kecil yang cacad, namun ini jelas akal-akalan gambar dengan Software Photoshop:

URL foto : http://id.f590.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download/id/ShowLetter?box=Inbox&MsgId=666_13605816_160651_5290_62991_0_14394_102665_2153055394&bodyPart=2.2&YY=78686&y5beta=yes&order=&sort=&pos=0&Idx=0

----------------------- Tanggapan pak Rudy Rusdiah --------

Tanggal: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 05:02:53 -0700 (PDT)
Topik: [mastel-anggota] [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD
Dari: Send an Instant Message ""
Kepada: mastel-anggota@yahoogroups.com

pak dar... semestinya kita juga bantu forward pasien seperti manusia akar... manusia kulit pohon dll...

di Indonesia lebih parah dari berita yang pak Dar kirim dari Indonesia namun who cares or anybody cares ? ... kemarin baca 2 berita yang menyayat hati nurani kita:
1. seorang ibu meninggal... karena sakit gondok... dan menderita beberapa hari karena tidak punya uang berobat... gimana implementasi pasal hak asasi manusia di UUD 45 ?

2. seorang wanita melahirkan sendiri dikamar mandi... mungkin malu dan juga tidak punya uang... akhirnya si ibu meninggal... namun si anak selamat... weleh weleh... i am speechless deh...

3. minggu lalu lihat foto anak kurang gizi lupa sumbernya maaf...... lahir beratnya sekitar 3 kg... sekarang setelah beberapa bulan beratnya malah turun dibawah 3 kg... ???

lebih baik dermawan di Indonesia fokus pada keadaan di Indonesia dulu deh... baru melihat yang di Australia...

salam, rr - apwkomitel

ref: http://www.micronic s.info http://www.java- cafe.net http://www.apwkomit el.org

----- Original Message ----
From: darmoni badri
To: mastel-anggota@ yahoogroups. com; keluargavcm@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 2:00:59 PM
Subject: [mastel-anggota] Fwd: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD

Note: forwarded message attached.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

-----Inline Message Follows-----

Subject: Fwd: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD
To: ilham malayu , diana mosher , yahya syukri , John Leong , agustanzil sjahroezah , CSHH , ine gandah catalano , janti gellwynn jusuf , Dan Foster , Titi Brown
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 18:02:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fwd: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD

Note: forwarded message attached. From: Elsie Leyder
To: anom_gedhe@yahoo. com, edithcoloso@ hotmail.com, enilda_abidin@ hotmail.com, fbarus@wlrk. com, gingerindo@yahoo. com, Kristanto88@ yahoo.com, lastry thayeb , madeayu25@yahoo. com, n_aminuddin@ hotmail.com, Sandra R Roy , sawitri_gismar@ yahoo.com, Tommy RINEKSO , ymnababan2003@ yahoo.com, yroebadi@hotmail. com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Halida Hatta
Date: Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 2:07 AM
Subject: Fwd: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD
To: ilham malayu , diana mosher , yahya syukri , John Leong , agustanzil sjahroezah , CSHH , ine gandah catalano , janti gellwynn jusuf , Dan Foster , Titi Brown

Dear all,
I am speechless but I should forward it. (halida)
Note: forwarded message attached.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tommy RINEKSO
To: Ricky Andries , Lestari Budiono , Ida Haroen , Roy Imanudin , Halida Jusuf , Dona Kronrad , Ferry Kurniadi , Rita Arnold Lapia , loeis MIMI , Ferril Nawir , Maria Prasetyo , Nadya Putanto , Miranda Renasari
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 18:02:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fwd: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD

Note: forwarded message attached.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elsie Leyder
To: anom_gedhe@yahoo. com, edithcoloso@ hotmail.com, enilda_abidin@ hotmail.com, fbarus@wlrk. com, gingerindo@yahoo. com, Kristanto88@ yahoo.com, lastry thayeb , madeayu25@yahoo. com, n_aminuddin@ hotmail.com, Sandra R Roy , sawitri_gismar@ yahoo.com, Tommy RINEKSO , ymnababan2003@ yahoo.com, yroebadi@hotmail. com
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 09:38:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fwd: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD

ELLEN LALAMENTIKSUY wrote: Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 19:43:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Fwd: FW: [SPAM]FW: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD
To: conello@centrin. net.id, zspoel@yahoo. com, marladot@yahoo. com,
maureenlaloan@ hotmail.com, eleonorasupit@ yahoo.com
CC: elsie87leyd@ yahoo.com, dlk200@juno. com, srompas@aol. com, ethmycam@aol. com,
herasoepandji@ yahoo.com. sg

To: "'Devi Suyono'"
Subject: FW: [SPAM]FW: [dwp_kjri_sydney] Fwd: FvW: THIS IS VERY SAD
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 03:44:11 -0500


If you delete this ... you seriously don't have a heart.
Hi, I am a 29 year old father. Me and my wife have had a
wonderful life together. God blessed us with a child too.
Our daughter's name is Rachel, and she is 10 years old.
Not long ago the
doctors detected brain cancer and in her little body.
There is only one way to save her...an operation.
Sadly, we don't have enough money to pay the price. AOL and ZDNET have agreed to help us. The only way they can help us is this way, I send this email to you and you send it to other people. AOL will track this email and count how many people get it.
Every person who opens this email and sends it to at least 3 people will give us 32 cents.
Please help us. Sincerely

(Even though you will be contributing 32 cents by sending this e-mail to others, please send your prayers. Because our God is able to deliver...he can make a way out of no way. If you have love for this child of God, please remember her in your prayers and send this e-mail to others.) size=2>

Minggu, 24 Februari 2008

Blog para Pejabat dan Eksekutif untuk Percepatan Pembangunan Bangsa dan Negara

Komunikasi yang lancar antar manusia menjadi prasyarat untuk cepatnya pertukaran informasi dan ilmu yang dapat memajukan peradaban suatu bangsa. Di Zaman Batu, kemajuan peradaban manusia berjalan begitu lambat, mencapai ribuan tahun, sebab belum terbentuknya bahasa untuk berkomunikasi. Setelah ada bahasa yang baku, maka proses kemajuan itu berjalan lebih lancar. Di Era Revolusi Industri, kemajuan peradaban berlangsung jauh lebih singkat dan cepat, sebab adanya mesin cetak, keretaapi dan mobil untuk mentransportasikan informasi. Kemajuan peradaban ummat manusia lebih dipercepat lagi dengan ditemukannya alat komunikasi elektronik, yaitu telegap, telepon, telex dan faksimile.

Di Abad ke-21 ini yang merupakan Era Internet, sudah ada SMS, Interenet Messaging, e-Mail dan Mailing List yang membantu kelancaran komunikasi antar ummat manusia.

Namun pada kenyataannya para Pejabat/Eksekutif itu sering sekali sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaan mereka sehari-hari, sehingga sering sekali sarana komunikasi tersebut diatas menjadi kurang efektif.

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) membuat terobosan dalam komunikasi dengan masyarakat melalui penerbitan Website http://www.presidensby.info yang sangat informatif, namun lebih bersifat informasi Top-Down, sedikit sekali kesempatan untuk berdialog langsung. Lagipula website ini dikelola oleh Tim Kepresidenan.

Sebuah terobosan baru dilancarkan oleh Bapak MENHANKAM Prof. Juwono Sudarsono dengan menerbitkan Blog Resmi MEHANKAM di Wordpress, yaitu:


sehingga memungkinkan kita untuk berdialog langsung dengan beliau, mengutarakan keluhan, saran dan pendapat kita untuk pebaikan bangsa, negara dan Pemerintah RI.

Berikut ini adalah sebuah komentar tentang Blog MENHANKAM tersebut sbb:

“So he’s the first Indonesia Minister to have a blog. An extraordinary step forward as far as Indonesia’s VIPs are concerned. Extraordinary for more than one: (1) It symbolizes his willingness to reach out to the people, to talk directly to them, to us, a kind of willingness that’s uncommon among Indonesian establishment; (b) By opening the comment box in his blog, it suggests that he’s not afraid of any criticism, if any, which means he doesn’t have anything to hide, to afraid of. That might explain the meaning of his blog title: “Integrity in its strict sense.” A man of integrity, of principle should not worry anything;”

Menurut hemat kami, penerbitan Blog Resmi Pejabat atau Eksekutif akan menjadi titik awal percepatan kemajuan bangsa dan negara yang kita cintai ini, karena:

1.Masyarakat dapat berdialog langsung dengan Pimpinan, tanpa adanya perantara yang bisa mendistorsi informasi.

2.Akan ada banyak informasi realistis yang dapat disampaikan langsung kepada Pimpinan, baik berupa keluhan, pendapat dan sara-saran yang positif untuk memajukan bangsa, negara atau korporasi, sehingga dapat dicari kesimpulan atau jawaban yang terbaik bagi sesuatu persoalan atau permasalahan secara lebih cepat, efisien dan efektif.

3.Akan tidak ada lagi Laporan-laporan yang ABS, sebab semuanya bisa diverifikasi secara langsung.

Setahu kami ada beberapa Pejabat Negara yang telah memiliki Blog,
yaitu: Pak Gatot HP dari DEPDIKNAS dan Pak Eddy Satriya dari MenkoPerekonomian.
Silahkan masukan ini ditanggapi, didukung dan dilaksanakan demi percepatan kemajuan bangsa dan negara.


Jumat, 04 Januari 2008

Benarkah Knowledge Workers bekerja 24-jam sehari 7-hari seminggu?

Melihat dari contoh-contoh keberhasilan para Knowledge Workers kelas dunia, seperti Bill Gates (Microsoft Corp.), Sergei Brin (President of Technology Google), Michael Dell (Dell Computer), Steve Jobs (Apple Computer), Larry Page (Founder Google.com), Chad Hurley, Steve Chen dan Jawed Karim (ketiganya sebagai founder yang menjual Youtube.com ke Google seharga US$1.7 milyar setelah dibangun dalam waktu hanya 1-tahun) yang merupakan kelompok orang-orang yang terkaya di dunia, maka asumsi bahwa para knowledge workers tersebut bekerja 24-jam sehari, 7-hari per minggu memang ada benarnya.

Mereka tidak hanya bekerja di Kantor, tetapi lebih banyak lagi mereka menghabiskan waktunya siang dan malam di rumah atau di luar kantor untuk menghasilkan karya-karya yang menakjubkan dunia. Begitu bangun tidur, malah sebelum mandi, mereka langsung bekerja dengan PC atau Laptop mereka, baik tengah malam maupun siang hari. Pantas saja mereka begitu cepat berhasil dalam mengembangkan usahanya, sebab jumlah jam kerja mereka adalah beberapa kali lipat jam kerja manusia biasa!

Saya bermimpi bagaimana hebatnya Indonesia kalau saja kita memiliki banyak knowledge workers sekelas contoh-contoh tersebut diatas, sebab jumlah manusia Indonesia saat ini adalah sebesar 240 juta orang, nomor 4 terbesar didunia setelah China, India dan Amerika Serikat.

Mengapakah kita bisa terpuruk selama lebih dari 10-tahun dalam Krismon yang berkelanjutan, sehingga banyak sekali rakyat kita yang menderita cukup lama sekali? Dibawah ini saya ingin mencoba mencari jawaban dan solusinya....
  • Perkembangan peradaban dunia berlangsung secara bertahap, yaitu:
    • Zaman Batu, dimana kemajuannya berjalan sangat lambat, atau hampir tidak ada kemajuan selama ber-tahun-tahun lamanya, sebab interaksi atau komunikasi, proses belajar-mengajar antar ummat manusia di Zaman Batu ini berjalan sangat lambat. Mungkin karena belum diciptakannya Bahasa yang Baku sebagai alat untuk berkomunikasi. Cara mereka makan adalah mencari apa saja adanya yang dapat dimakan, belum ada pengetahuan cara bertani atau bercocok-tanam.
    • Era Pertanian, sudah terbentuk bahasa untuk berkomunikasi yang baku bagi masing-masing kelompok ummat manusia, sudah ada pengetahuan untuk becocok-tanam yang praktis dan efisien. Kemajuan peradban menjadi makin cepat dari tahun-ke-tahun, sebab ada interaksi dan komunikasi yang efektif antar ummat manusia, ada peningkatan ilmu pengetahuan dan kecerdasan, walaupun masih berjalan lambat. Transportasi antar tempat atau kota masih memakai sepeda, gerobag, kuda, dan kereta kuda.
    • Era Industri (Era Revolusi Industri), dimana kompilasi pengetahuan dan kecerdasan ummat manusia di Era Pertanian menumpuk cukup banyak, sehingga menghasilkan kemajuan yang lebih pesat di berbagai bidang kehidupan manusia, terutama dengan ditemukannya mesin uap, listrik dan motor listrik, mobil dan terutama alat cetak yang dapat memproduksi dokumen2, buku, suratkabar dan majalah secara efisien, cepat dan murah untuk disebar-luaskan kepada seluruh ummat manusia. Transportasi antar tempat atau kota sudah makin cepat menggunakan keretaapi, motor dan mobil, serta telekomunikasi menggunakan alat telegrap dan telpon ongkel, kemudian menjadi telepon suitsing elektro-mekanik.
    • Era Sesudah Industri (Post Industrial Revolution) atau Era Masyarakat Informasi, dimana pada era ini terjadi kemajuan yang sangat cepat di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, industri manufacturing, industri software, dan semua aspek kehidupan bangsa.

Apa pendapat Anda tentang Kehadiran Bill Gates tgl 9 Mei 2009 dengan rencana pemberian Bantuan di 4 Sektor Publik Indonesia?